Sunday, September 25, 2011

This Week At WABC

Join us Wednesday Nights at 6:30 PM for prayer, praise, food and fellowship. We are studying the book of Luke. Noonday Bible study will resume September 14th! This year we will be studying the book of Acts.

Join us Sunday mornings at 10 AM for Sunday School. We offer free coffee, and donuts between classes. Children's Church is held during our 11:30 AM worship service (on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sunday's).

Please remember to contribute to our Food Bank Ministry. For more info speak with Raymond Caffee or Marilyn Caffee.

Homecoming and our Annual Church Anniversary has been combined and will be held this coming Sunday at 2:30! Pastor Marc is asking everyone to invite their friends and family to the service. A prize will be given out to the person with the most "guest"! Our guest church will be Greater Mount Zion Baptist Church, Chesapeake VA.

The WABC family would like to congratulate Rev. Robert Robinson and his wife Diane Robinson who will be honored at the Annual Tidewater Missionary Luncheon this coming Saturday at the Virginia Beach Convention Center.

Pastor Marc and the WABC family would like to thank Rev. Casper and members of Bethel Baptist Church, Norfolk for closing out our Revival Week services. Thank you to everyone who traveled with Pastor Marc on Friday to Mount Olivet Baptist Church for the final night of their revival services.