Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Upcoming Events

WABC will travel this coming Sunday to Union United Church of Christ for their Anniversary. Pastor Marc is the guest speaker.

The Youth Ministry is now accepting donations of candy and plastic eggs for our Easter Eggstravaganza! Please drop donations off to Calonia Fults or Thomasine Flores on Sunday. You can also drop donations off on Wednesday during noon day or the evening study.

Please join us for our Wednesday Bible Study. Either during our noon day lesson or in the evening at 7 PM. You are invited to join us for a free meal at 6:30 PM before the evening study begins.

If you would like to contribute to our Food Pantry which benefits those in our community please speak with Raymond or Marilyn Caffee for more info ( you can leave a message on the churches answering machine).

We invite you to join us on March 31st for our Easter Sunday Celebration. Service begins at 11:30 AM.