VBS Camp 2011 starts today! Join us on Mainstreet where Jesus makes a difference every day! Classes are available for adults as well as children (pre-k through teen). Kick off begins at 6 PM nightly. Bible study is cancelled this week in lieu of VBS.
Join us Sunday mornings at 10 AM for Sunday School. We offer free coffee, and donuts between classes. Children's Church is held during our 11:30 AM worship service (on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sunday's).
Please remember to contribute to our Food Bank Ministry. For more info speak with Raymond Caffee or Marilyn Caffee.
Pastor Marc would like to thank everyone who traveled with him and the men's choir to Messiah Presbyterian to celebrate their Men's Day celebration!
Deacon Ed and the men of WABC are making progress with the building projects at WABC. Please bare with us during this time of construction!