Join us Wednesday Nights at 6:30 PM for prayer, praise, food and fellowship. We are studying the book of Luke. Join us for Noonday Bible study as we study the book of Isaiah.
Join us Sunday mornings at 10 AM for Sunday School. We offer free coffee, and donuts between classes. Children's Church is held during our 11:30 AM worship service (on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sunday's).
Nicole Daye will represent WABC as "Queen" in the annual King and Queen Pageant which is hosted by the Ways and Means Committee of Tidewater Baptist Missionaries. Nicole is asking that donations be turned in to her no later then April 3rd. The pageant will take place on April 18th at 7 PM at First Baptist Church, South Hill.
The Youth of WABC will be hosting a Karaoke and Spaghetti Slurp" night on May 25th at 7 PM. If you are interested in participating please see Thomasine or Lexis Flores for more info.
WABC will be hosting a Baby Contest and Talent Fashion Show. More details on this event will be posted later.
Please remember to contribute to our Food Bank Ministry. For more info speak with Raymond Caffee or Marilyn Caffee.
Thank you to everyone from WABC who traveled to Union United Church of Christ, Norfolk VA for their 101 Year Church Anniversary.