Thank you to everyone who participated in our Family and Friends Day. Special thanks to Diane Robinson for setting it up. Photos from the event can now be found on our Facebook page.
There will be an All Staff Meeting this Tuesday at 7 PM.
There will not be a Wednesday Night Bible Class this week. All trustees, deacons, and financial staff are asked to meet with the Pastor at 7 PM.
Choir rehearsals are now being held on Thursday evening at 7 PM. For more info speak with Minister Gunn.
Join us Sunday mornings at 10 AM for Sunday Morning Bible Study. We also offer free coffee and donuts before and after Sunday school class.
Please remember to contribute to our Food Bank Drive. For more info please speak with Raymond or Marilyn Caffee.
Ladies you have until Wednesday to turn in your registration fee for the Women's Ministry Workshop which will be held on May 22nd at WABC. Please spread the word about our Women's Day Service which will be held on Sunday May 23rd at our 11:30 AM Worship Service. Rev. Dr. Pamela Chandler Lee of Chase City Virginia will be the speaker. The color of the day is Pink!
Get ready for our Music Ministry Anniversary which will be held on May 30th at 4 PM. Our special guest will be the MGM Tri County Choir. Please tell your family and friends about this special occasion. They won't want to miss it!
The Clara Ellis Scholarship Ministry is sponsoring a "Dime Drive" to boost funds used to aid our students.The winner will receive a special gift. For more info please speak with Sarah Russell.