The budget committee will meet this Tuesday at 7 PM. The All Staff Meeting has been postponed for the month of November.
Join us Wednesday evenings at 7 PM for Prayer, Praise, Food, Fellowship and a Relevant Word. We are studying the Purpose Driven Church by Pastor Rick Warren. We also offer noonday Bible Study on Wednesday afternoons. The topic of conversation is The Gospel According to John.
Join us Sunday mornings at 10 AM for Sunday Morning Bible Study. Free coffee and donuts are available before and after class.
Pastor Marc and his wife Cyndi would like to thank everyone for their support this past weekend during the Anniversary of their first year in ministry at WABC. Special thanks goes to Pastor Todd C. Davidson and the members of Piney Grove for their presence at Pastor Marc's anniversary service Sunday afternoon. Photos from this event can now be found here. They would also like to thank Rev. Michael Watson for speaking at the Anniversary banquet Friday night. Photos of the banquet can be found here. Thank you to June James Ellis, Diane Robinson and Calonia Fults members of the Anniversary Committee.
Please contact Rev. Rob if you are interested in purchasing a fruit basket for the holidays. Proceeds will be benefit our building fund.
This coming Tuesday is Veterans Day. Several veterans from WABC were highlighted in our monthly newsletter. If you would like a copy please speak with Jenette Sapp.
Please do not forget our Food Bank. If you would like to donate towards this ministry please speak with Raymond or Marilyn Caffee.
Sunday November 15th is Senior's Ministry Recognition Sunday. Please make plans to join us for dinner immediately following our morning service (location to be determined).