There will be no Noonday Bible Study or Evening Bible Study this Wednesday. Instead we will be attending Thanksgiving Eve Services at Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church, Norfolk (not at WABC as previously stated) at 7 PM. Rev. Dr. Linda Clark and the Union United Holiness Church will be in charge of the service.
Join us Sunday mornings at 10 AM for Sunday Morning Bible Study. Free coffee and donuts are available before and after class.
Please contact Rev. Rob if you are interested in purchasing a fruit basket for the holidays. Proceeds will be benefit our building fund. Deadline for orders ends December 1st.
Please do not forget our Food Bank, especially during this holiday season. If you would like to donate towards this ministry please speak with Raymond or Marilyn Caffee.
Our 'Suit Drive" is ongoing. If you have gently used suits or know someone who may be in need please contact Ellis Ivy for more info.
The Ordination Service for Rev. Robert Robinson will be held on Saturday, December 5th at 7 PM. Ordination services for Deacon Ellis Ivey will be held on December 19th at 7PM. Please mark these two events on your calendar.
Thank you to all of the volunteers who packed and distributed our Thanksgiving Baskets to family's in need this past weekend.
Thanks goes out to all of the volunteers who served our Seniors at the Piccadilly Restaurant on this past Sunday. Special thanks goes put to Deacon Raymond Caffee for setting up the luncheon.
Youth of WABC do not forget the Penny Drive hosted by Pastor Marc. All proceeds benefit the building fund. Prizes will be given out on December 6th (which is also the deadline for getting those penny jars in).