There will be an All Staff Meeting on Tuesday July 7th at 7 PM. All Staff members are reminded that they should be reading "The Purpose Driven Church" book.
Join us Wednesday Nights at 6 PM for Prayer, Praise, Food, Fellowship and a Relevant word.
Join us on Sunday mornings at 10 AM for Sunday Morning Bible Study. Free coffee, donuts and hot tea are available before and after class.
WABC would like to congratulate all of its 2009 graduates.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Clara M Ellis scholarship banquet on Saturday at Mt. Gilead. Special thanks goes out to Thomasine Flores and all of those who worked with her to make this event successful.
Thank you to everyone who stayed for the Family and Friends Day Celebration with Monticello Baptist Church on yesterday afternoon.
We will be celebrating Men's Day on July 12th during our 11:30 AM worship service. Rev. Nathanial Mitchell, associate Minister of Gethsemane Baptist Church will deliver the message.
The Keeling family, descendants of Rev. Willis E. Keeling, who was the first Pastor of Woodland Ave Baptist Church will be visiting us on July the 12th.
Please remember our Food Bank. People are in need of of help. See Raymond Caffee or Marilyn Caffee if you would like to make a donation.