Ladies get ready for the first WABC Women's Ministry "Girl's Night Out Event" this Friday at 7 PM at Carrabba's Italian Grille in Virginia Beach. Please let Erica Morrison know if you are planning to attend.
Thanks goes out to everyone who attended the "Move It To Music Expo" with the youth this past Saturday at the Ted Constant Center. Info on additional events for our youth can be found on our youth ministry page.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the "Christian Jubilee" Sunday afternoon. Pictures are now up in the church gallery.
Registration for the Women's Ministry "Healing Hearts" Heart Spa Workshop begins on Sunday, April 5th. Information concerning this event will be available in the fellowship hall immediately following service.
Please remember to contribute to our food closet. Proceeds benefit our local Food Bank.
The Marriage and Singles Ministry invites you to join Pastor Marc and Cyndi for "The Play", the Story of the Man Called Jesus. Info on the cost of tickets can be found here. We are hoping to obtain tickets for the April 4th performance, so if you are interested in attending please let Cyndi Jennings know as soon as possible. Depending on the time we will have dinner either before or after the play at The Applebee's on Kempsville Road in Va Beach.
It's game time! Please see our resident Sports Coordinator, Richard Parker if you would like to accompany the Men's Ministry to Washington DC for the Wizards and Pistons Game to be held on Saturday, March 28th. The cost for the trip is $80.00 pp for adults and $70.00 pp for youth 10 and under. The bus will leave Langley AFB at 3 PM. Game time is 7 PM.
Please remember that Coffee, Hot Tea and Donuts are available (free of charge) before and after our Sunday Morning Bible Study.
Volunteer opportunities abound at WABC. Get connected with one of the many ministries available at WABC (ministries are listed in our sidebar). We are currently seeking volunteers for our Music Ministry, Ushers Ministry and Hospitality. Please see Rev. Rob Robinson if you are interested in joining the Ushers, or Hospitality Ministry. You can speak to Jason Hailes if you are interested in joining the Music Ministry.
Invite a friend to WABC. All guest are invited to join us on 4th Sunday's for a special "Meet and Greet", immediately following our Sunday Worship Service.
Donations of plastic eggs and candy are needed for our "Easter Eggstravaganza" which will be held on Easter Monday, April 13th at 12 Noon.